Texas Data
The following seekUT reports provide median earnings data and educational outcomes by degree level for UT System graduates working full-time in Texas, 1, 5, and 10 years after graduation, alongside median student loan debt and the debt-to-income ratio. Also included are program descriptions, average time to degree, the percentage of graduates who continue their education beyond the baccalaureate, industries where graduates are working by area of study, as well as the anticipated job growth in Texas by occupation through 2030.
- seekUT Undergraduate Report
- seekUT Graduate Report
- seekUT Medical Report
- Pursuing a Degree
- Texas Workforce and Job Growth
National Data
In partnership with the U.S. Census Bureau's Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD), the following seekUT reports provide valuable information about post-collegiate outcomes for UT graduates living and working in the United States — not just in Texas. Data include earnings, region and industry of employment, migration patterns, and career pathways for UT graduates from 2003 to the present.